by Hermane Desorme

HAITI - 2017 - 57 MINUTES


Haiti is often poorly represented in the international press. Without denying the significant difficulties of this country, Paolo Woods, Italian photographer, is interested in other situations, with different issues such as the economic elite, the radios of the city of Les Cayes, the presence of American Protestants ...

From the exhibition of his work in Switzerland to the opening in Port-au-Prince, this film questions the gaze of foreigners on Haiti, the clichés that clutter the international gaze of this country, but also the way in which Haitians see themselves. The title of the film, "Look" in Creole, affirms a requirement: that of reciprocity, of an exchange of glances which allow a new approach to Haiti.




SaNoSi Productions

Fanal Productions


Vosges TV


National Center for Cinema and Moving Image

Ciclic - Center-Val de Loire region

Fokal Foundation

Sandoz Foundation

International organization of Francophonie

Le Nouvelliste newspaper

Swiss Cooperation Fund,

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Embassy in Haiti

Lausanne Elysée Museum


2017: Guadeloupe International Human Rights Film Festival

In 2017: Guadeloupe Human Rights Festival

In 2017: International Human Rights Film Festival, Vienna, Austria

In 2018: 48 imagesecond festival, Florac, France

In 2018: FESTICAB, category
International "Documentary" competition, Bujumbura,

In 2018: Haiti News Festival, May

Lussas - -
