
Writing : at the heart of Docmonde's concerns. 

20 trainers annually help local authors to create, deepen, and strengthen their documentary film during a project development workshop.

“Cinema is not a show, it is writing” explains Robert Bresson. 

It is in this writing work that Docmonde intervenes in the first place. 

The selected authors, beginners as well as experienced, are accompanied in an attentive and constructive, critical and constructive manner by two author-director trainers. This support supposes that the project leaders come out of their isolation and confront themselves from the outset of the project with the eyes of others, because if the writing is done in solitude, the cinema is always done with several people.

It is during five key moments that the authors have the opportunity to question themselves, to doubt, to progress, but above all to construct what will become the reflection of their singular gaze. 

- Plenary sessions: presentation of the projects and discussions in the presence of the trainers and all the residents, collective analysis of the projects and discussion around the cinema issues raised by the projects.

- Individual interviews face-to-face with the trainer following the project: the goal is to understand the origin of the project, the personal intentions and the heart of the film, the questions of narration and production that arise for each person. We also work on the development of the film, the writing of the file, the preparation of the location.

- Personal work sessions: rewriting of projects, personal documentation work, reading and viewing of films related to the themes and formal challenges of the project.

- Camera exercises (individual work on themes and in imposed formats, shot edited…) and collective viewing.

- Finally, every evening, collective viewing a program likely to nourish the projects and their authors. The projections are followed by a critical analysis and a debate.

An in-depth residency is also organized during the week preceding the Co-production meetings in order to help the authors of the most successful projects to finalize the presentation of their file.
