History of the Docmonde association

From Africadoc to Docmonde

In 2002, the Africadoc program was born, at the initiative of Ardèche Images. The Lussas documentary school thus sets out to meet African authors during a first writing workshop in Senegal and from the outset experiments with its educational path linking workshop and co-production meetings. Over the next 10 years, Africadoc is built up little by little and every year offers national or regional writing workshops and then international co-production meetings, first on the island of Gorée then in Saint-Louis in Senegal. At the end of 2011, new programs were launched: Eurasiadoc then Doc Océan Indien. The development of international projects led to the creation of a dedicated association: Docmonde.

An international association

The Docmonde association was set up in 2012 with the aim of helping to create an international network of independent directors and producers, and to structure the audiovisual sector, more particularly in countries where documentary representation of the world is weak or absent. It initiates new programs: Doc Caribbean Amazon and Doc Pacific in 2013-14 then Asiadoc in 2015.

The gradual transfer to Docmonde of the programs initiated by Ardèche Images was completed in 2017. The same year, the Docmonde association strengthened its governance by setting up an international Board of Directors. Today, the Association's Board of Directors is made up of 4 colleges: external figures, local partners, trainers and producers.

Local roots

Based in the village of Lussas, in the Imaginaïre building, Docmonde is one of the founding members of the Lussas documentary village association, alongside Ardèche Images, the Tënk platform, the film-documentaire.fr portal and Lussass production and distribution companies. She has privileged links:

- with Ardèche Images, which offers visibility to films resulting from Docmonde training courses during the General Assembly of documentary films via the Docmonde selection.
- with the Tënk platform by broadcasting via its Docmonde range but also production support via its pre-purchases

Lussas - docmonde@lussasdoc.org -
